Collection presented on PRAGUE FASHION WEEK
Spring 2005 – author´s fashion show
- Vladimir V.Q. is well known among theater bohemia, Moscow designers, and the show business elite. He achieved a lot for a man his age (he is in his early thirties): he owns an atelier, presents his collections, acts as a costume designer in theater projects and beauty pageants, etc.
- V. Q. Attracts attention for the first time about five years ago, when he founded his studio in the Youth Theater building. Vladimir says about the beginnings of his business: “When I lived abroad, I found out that for me the best way to earn a living is to design clothes. But my choice was not accidental – I began to sew when I was eight, and my great-grandfather owned sewing workshops in Moscow and Petersburg before the October Revolution. Two my great-aunts were cutters. So, opening my first small atelier, I simply got returned to my background”.
- For a few years, Vladimir worked in Milan and Vancouver textile factories. He was the designer of the well known fur firm, V&L. It was under this cover that Russian public first saw Vladimir. The first V.Q. collection was presented at the Eights Russian Fashion Week.
The first Vladimir V.Q.’s one-man show in October 2001 demonstrated the designer’s creative potential, and stylistics, tendency and technical capabilities of his Fashion House. - Vladimir is one of the few designers doing fashion lines for men and women alike. He gives special attention to his favorite theme – the classical costume, applying to it the newest technologies and reviving old sewing methods, including the manual assemblage technique. V.Q. created his own personal style, which brought him recognition and popularity. Vladimir’s main principle of dealing with customers is: “A man should always be a man, and a woman should always be a woman”.
- Vladimir’s nearest plans include designing of costumes for the play FOREVER at Russian Academic Youth Theater (author – Aurni Ibsen, director – Raivo Trass).